
Feminism, Separatism and Lesbianism

Check if this woman is represented on Wikipedia. And, if you find she is not..... you should Wiki her - this is a note to me, and you.

up Rolemodel

  • Shelby Knox is a feminist activist whose efforts to get comprehensive sex education programs in Texas schools was the subject of the 2005 documentary The Education of Shelby Knox.
  • Jessica Valenti: Full Frontal Feminism - Valenti is the founder of and says that the next feminist wave will be cyber.
  • Mary Daly, radical feminist theologian, mother of modern feminist theology and thealogy.
  • W.I.T.C.H., Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell, Women Inspired to Tell their Collective History, Women Interested in Toppling Consumer Holidays, among other variations.
  • Ellen Degeneres Hello!? All good dykes have a link to her site. And, I think the Flash stuff has been used in a really clever way, useful to save space when whetting appetites.
  • Shakesville response to hate-mail. Man vs Woman.
  • has a regularly-updated page with lesbian rolemodels in the news.
  • Kate Clinton Witty dyke - a columnist for Advocate, etc. Terribly American, but soo sharp, soo clued, soo plugged in. "A respected and sought after member of the Commentariat..." (Kate's biography). Her articles are anthologized on her website. She is participating in a wimminfest in 2005. To donate:
  • Sheila Jeffreys is radical, and pursues the beauty issue. Julie Bindel reviews Jeffreys book Beauty And Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices In The West (Amazon).
  • Famous Creative Women has collected the birthdates of well-known women, click on a name and get sketchy biographical detail. But between the month and birthyear, astrological data can be gleaned. Ugly site though.
  • Betty Friedan, a piece on her, but more interestingly a sound link that links to a list of sound files of many historically significant American women. has interviews and excerpts from documentaries to listen to her talk about the American feminist movement, eight or so.
  • Caitlin Moran has fun with oglers, in the Times of London.
  • bell hooks is leathermanic about gangsta rap and The Piano. Nothing escapes her keen mind. A Libran, too, I might add... (half-closed eyes, told-you-so grin and proud puffing of the chest).
  • Ampersand has a feminist blog, but she is also a cartoonist. Radical, but not bashingly. That is what is so interesting about her, she sweets you up, while delivering the goods.

up Magazines

  • Ms Magazine, for the thinking woman, google searchable, American
  • Feministing is a forum for women to comment, analyze and influence.
  • Slit is a dyke porn magazine. Organized, functional, non-distractive to content, which is distractive.
  • Curve is American, so is lesbian pop culture with a sprinkling (liberal) of activism. This is their article index and some of them are interesting, interviews and that kind of thing. We (South Africans) need one of these.
  • OBN The Old Boys Network Reading Room with reading material downloadable as rtfs. Beautiful. Info-architectured. Sarcastic. Yummy.
  • The Advocate Gay magazine with plenty of good quality reporting aimed at women. The editor is a well-known and well-respected dyke. Nicely organized, worth going to regularly. Current news and issues. Celebrity content too. Searchable.
  • off our backs, or oob, A newsjournal by, for, and about women. I love grrls that DO stuff.

up Collectives

  • AnotherGirlAtPlay is a collection of beautiful sites of industrious women. Artists to businesswomen. Well-organised.
  • QUEER Festival is a DIY festival held yearly in July where you can explore queer culture, politics and activism.
  • We'Moon is a women-only community in Portland, Oregon.
  • WestWind is a women-only community in Ribera, New Mexico, hosters of the LandDyke Gathering.
  • Susan B. Anthony Memorial Unrest Home is a women-only community in Athens, Ohio, where they also host events like the Feminist Bonfire Discussion and workshops and tons of stuff. Love the name - UN-rest home.

up Feminism

  • is an exercise in opening minds. If you ever thought it didn't matter you have to try this out.
  • Women's Rights Convention 1848 Speeches and writings of the early feminists. Beautiful site.
  • Wings at University of South Florida's Women Studies department has women-centered mediated, illustrative, international news audio files. If you suffer opening the file, open Windows Media Player first, the go File, Open URL, and paste the URL of each file in. Get the URL by right clicking on the link of the file you want to listen to.
  • Duke University Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement Archive. Has a search facility.
  • Brwyn Mawr has a Gender and Sexuality department that includes an Activism section, for meetings and activities. Scroll down to see the archives. I missed it.
  • The Monstrous Feminine is lecturer Kathleen Nichols' Pittsburg University site. She has collected articles, interviews and photos of artworks from all over on the post-modern feminists - you know, the ones that are still alive...
  • Joan Korenman has a comprehensive list of Women's Studies departments in America, that offer graduate degrees. She keeps it up to date so that it is the definitive list. You don't need to go elsewhere.
  • Wickedary, Mary Daly dictionary. A browseable dictionary of (Daly-mediated [a good thing]) meaning.

up Feminism and advertising

  • Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience (by Becky Michele Mulvaney, Department of Communication, Florida Atlantic University). Mulvaney argues that cross-gender communication qualifies as a form of intercultural communication and offers advice on how to develop effective intercultural communication skills when speaking across genders
  • Bridgewater State University Women's Studies Program has an online journal, written by real people about real stuff. Among so many other extraordinary articles I ask who can resist reading this article by Nicole Rodie, 'Uneasy Transvestism? Fashioning a Space for the Single Woman in Sex and the City'.
  • Body Image and "Eating Disorders" Chapter three of the 1992 Barnard/Columbia Women's Handbook. Discusses the disjunction between women's "real" and "ideal" body images and the relationship between body image and the economy.
  • Positive and Negative designation of women in ads, compared by National Organization of Women (NOW).
  • The Endless Search for the Self in a Two-Way Mirror (by Rah-nee Kelly). Although Kelly doesn't flag it, I thought of the TV as mirror. Does the TV function much like the mirror in Snow White, are the images we see always the fairer one than us, are we all the wicked witches, poisoned by our jealousies?
  • Center for Media Literacy - the Stereotyping and Representation section. Many articles, a breeding ground for ideas. Cross-indexed with teaser titles on the side. Articles written by academics.
  •, a website that mushroomed from a powerpoint presentation. Dr. Scott A. Lukas covers all the essential bases and does all the other bases in all the ballparks in all the world. Comprehensive examples.
  • Colonizing our Future (by Alex Molnar). Of course when we shut down the corporates TV advertising activities, they already have then next strategy penned, the next demographic analysed and they are targeting our other home - school.
  • Aberystwyth (University of Wales), a searchable directory of articles and sites with critical theory papers about advertising. Invaluable.
  • Visual Perception is a comprehensive collection of theory and examples compiled by Daniel Chandler (lecturer in media theory at the University of Wales) and includes how culture and expectation influence 'reality'.
  • Interpreting Ambiguous Pictures, an paper by Sarah Hak exploring the responses to a specific ambigous photograph. Not a how-to.
  • Wikipedia: Sex in Advertising, includes homoeroticism, examples
  • includes a collection of erotic ads
  • Jean Kilbourne, articles on how cigarettes and alcohol ads use women, advertising's effect on self-worth, children, articles about and by Kilbourne.
  • Hooked on Advertising article on Jean Killbourne that ran in Ms Magazine. Some sample ads.
  • Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse by Sut Jhally, 1998. 20th century advertising is the most powerful and sustained system of propaganda in human history and its cumulative cultural effects, unless quickly checked, will be responsible for destroying the world as we know it.
  • The Erotic History of Advertising, book by Tom Reichert Despite polls indicating that the public would like to see less sex in advertising, Americans don's mean what they say.
  • Does sex still sell?, article by Reuters, biased and unsubstantiated, with a focus on the Music industry's women. Makes an interesting suggestion about post-9/11 soul searching, but not believable.
  • Ad*Access, is Duke University's database of ads through the media age. The ads are there, but no commentary. The search engine does not respons to 'sexist' nor 'sex'.
  • The Persuaders, their intro: What's going on in the world of today's marketers and advertisers? What are the new and surprizing methods they're using t decipher who we are and what we want? And, where is this taking us?
  • Sex in Advertising, a visual essay by Gallup and Robinson, of polling/statistics fame. The visuals are useful.
  • Adbusters goes further than "Gee the ad industry is such an exploitative entity". Reams of quality info about HOW sick and disgusting it is. Great info architecture, beautiful site. Mmmmm.
  • Offensive ads is an activist site where you can learn to see the offensiveness of ads and have your say.

up Feminism and art

  • The Feminist Art Project is a university initiative to collect Feminist contributions to art, if you have something to link to, they add you. You can stamp your work as having feminist intent and thereby have a visual reference to a collective collaboration to envisage. They put you on the online calendar.

up Separatism

up Lesbianism Guttural (yes, really)

  • Etymology of the word Cunt by Mathew Hunt and my notes about reclaiming the word Cunt from the patriarchy.
  • Audre Lourde's Open Letter to Mary Daly about implied racism in her work, exclusionary references to mother goddesses, european centered religion.
  •'s Lesbian section This page is about gay marriage [now (December 2004) at issue because South Africa has laid the groundwork to legalize gay marriage].
  • Behind the Mask (African) Sometimes strangely organized but broad and comprehensive. Link to the Out of Africa Film Festival.
  • The Lesbian and Gay Equality Project Links to both NGOs and government gay organizations. Links are introduced. Well-organized, if ugly. South African.
  • Guerilla Girls are active, rabid, radical, New Yorkers.
  • Woman's Buidling houses part of the feminist art movement of the 1970s - the Woman's Building in Los Angeles was one of the centers of activity (history, programs, projects, and the women). Searchable.
  • Rainbow World Fund is a beautifully organized site. Saying, OK I'll donate brings up information on how much will do what for whom. And it's quite an eye-opener. Trust me. You can see at a glance what is happening where, who needs what.
  • Johannesburg Lesbian and Gay Pride is quite well organized. But there is a cherry in the design. Now what is that? - 'lesbians are virgins' - way not true - 'scrotal' - tasty - icky. Yuck-a-doodle.
  • is a huge collection of all things lesbian in the media, who, what, where, when, what time? Their slogan says it all - Because Visibility Matters.

up Lesbianism Umbilical

  • Gayscape is comprehensive, organized by country or topic.
  • Gay Crawler is a search engine much like Google
  • is a gay encyclopedia. There are so many entries that include women that there is no way a sexist like me could sulk. Professional, inclusive, informative, browseable. The search engine works, no duplicated entries, would've liked highlighting of search terms as per Google, but, hey 99% perfect is super. Thanks.
  • Our Way (went offline, but I am monitoring) has a yucky man on this page to alert us to our invisibility, but they have women links that others don't have. Go figure. One day I am going to sit down and make a gay girl links South Africa page for myself.
  • A World of Girls Kissing has pictures from all over the world, clickable thumbnails, no porn
  • Lesbian glossary is compiled by me, because even I get confounded by the lingo.
  • Independent Gay Forum is a well-organised forum where articles are collected about gay issues, e.g. Defamation, CultureWatch, Sex Laws.
  • 25 April Day of Silence in support of gay issues
  • Lesbian Essays and Other Writings includes literary essays about lesbian work, and
    some lesbian fiction.

up a journey

up the patriarchy

  • Patriarchal trivia, bits and pieces from various sources about patriarchal tactics and what not.
  • Slouching Towards Gomorrah by Robert Bork ~ his Chapter 11 asserts that feminism has an inflated idea of the role that it played in the change in the circumstances of women in this century, and that feminists are destroying the relationship between man, woman and child. Chapter 11 sports hyperbole like saying that feminism can take its place among the other "intellectual barbarisms", ironically accuses Bella Abzug of "heated oratory" and generalises that the paragraph on the cover of NOW's magazine "expresses the rage, the nihilism, and the incoherence of feminism today". Good for a giggle.
  • Rape, an article by Naomi Wolf about how crazy laws that protect the anonymity of the victim are: they label her 'shamed' and imply her guilt.

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